NEWSLETTER 03-21 - Spring has Sprung
It is officially spring by the time you read this. The crocus shoots are pushing up everywhere. How do they know when its time to pop up? According to my research, the seeds or bulbs contain DNA that responds to changes in the amount of sunlight as the days lengthen, and to the accompanying rise in temperature. Plant hormones are released which stimulate growth.
Motorcycle riders are like plants. The longer days and warmer temperatures cause hormonal and behavioral changes that stimulate us in a variety of ways. In spring, when melatonin production eases up, so does depression. You may find that you need less sleep and have boosted energy levels. You may even become slightly manic. Getting outside more means you will have more exercise. Even during a pandemic, it is difficult to be a pessimist when in the morning you can once again hear the birds sing and other sounds of nature as you lie in your bed, fully awake at the crack of dawn with the open windows ushering in a waft of delightful fresh air.
Your mood is elevated, optimism reigns, you want to ride.
And you should ride. Riding may be the perfect way to get out and feel free while maintaining social distancing: please keep 1 bike length apart. RetroTours are happening in 2021; riders are signing up and I am itching to get out on the road, enjoying the thrill and challenge of back roading on antique machines. Sure, it is disruptive to my precious ‘routine’ (rut?): heading out for several days at a time while chores go undone, emails pile up, and, OH MY GOD, maybe even getting to a place where there is no cell phone signal. In addition to the machines, what could be better than the company of like minded individuals? You should meet some of the people that regularly ride with us. They are quite memorable, a special breed.
Sometimes I feel as though I am providing a service to my fellow motorcyclists by making it easy for them to break out. Then again, perhaps it is they who provide a service to me by helping
me to break out and to keep these fine old machines operational. The first ride of the season is not until the end of May. The weather will be fair and the views from Skyline Drive are inspirational, even if you have seen it all before. There are several riders already signed up, and if you have an interest, email, or call me. I will make it very easy for you to participate.
The other day temperatures reached well into the 60’s. I rode a bike on an errand, and on the way home, I decided to meander along a random route. I got a little lost not very far from home, on some tiny back roads I had never been on. I explored a dirt road that eventually petered out where fallen trees made continuing on impossible, forcing me to backtrack. I lost track of time for a bit and felt butterflies in my stomach when I finally found a road that I recognized but had no idea which way to turn onto it.
After the long, cold winter of the pandemic, we all crave and deserve an escape. Failing to plan your escape is planning to fail. RetroTours is the cure for the Pandemic Blues. Reserve your spot now!
joel @ retrotours